Bongiovi DPS



  1. Profile Selection – Choose a DPS sound profile from this drop-down menu.  Each DPS Profile has a different sound effect.  While music or a video is playing, try selecting each profile to find one that sounds best for your sound system.
    • Click here to learn more about selecting a custom profile for your device.
    • You may remove a profile from the menu by clicking the X icon next to its name:
  2. Output Device Selection – All of your computer’s outputs are available in this menu.  Because all computers are different, you must select the output device that best matches your current output selection (Built-In Laptop Speakers, External Speakers or Headphones).
    On some computers, you must plug in your headphones or external speakers before the headphone device is available in the Output Device Selection menu.
  3. Change Skin – Select one of the various “skins” for the DPS window in the drop-down menu. The skin will change after you make your selection. Click here to learn how to create your own customized skin.



4. Enable Tool Tips – Hovering over a control or menu in the DPS window will reveal an information box, or tooltip. This gives you hints for how to use DPS so you don’t have to come here! Turn the tooltips off when you are comfortable using DPS by un-checking the box.

5. Enable Visualizer – Un-checking this box disables the moving frequency visualization bars on the HOME tab. While they look cool, they also use some processing power that can affect battery life on portable computers. If you don’t normally look at the frequency visualizer you may want to turn it off to improve performance.

6. Auto Adjust Volume – When DPS is launched, the computer output is switched from the normal output to the Digital Power Station audio driver. This means the volume control settings must be adjusted to match the new configuration. This is especially helpful for laptop computers with keyboard volume controls. However, you may disable this automatic adjustment by un-checking the box.

7. Audio Settings – This opens the audio control panel for your computer. It is very useful for solving audio problems. If you are having issues, the Bongiovi Acoustics expert support staff may direct you to click this button and address issues in the control panel. See How it Works for more details.

4. Volume Boost – Need more volume? Enable Volume Boost for more loudness when using the Built-In audio system. NOTE: This feature may cause distortion on external audio devices.

5. Enable Visualizer – Un-checking this box disables the moving frequency visualization bars on the HOME tab. While they look cool, they also use some processing power that can affect battery life on portable computers. If you don’t normally look at the frequency visualizer you may want to turn it off to improve performance.

6. Launch Bongiovi DPS at Login – This adds Bongiovi DPS to your user’s login items. When enabled, Bongiovi DPS will launch automatically when you start your computer.

7. Enable Notification Center Messages – Enable this to display messages in OSX Notification Center.

Re-Sync Audio Buffers (in menu bar only) – If audio and video become out of sync or some other audio issue occurs, click this item to reset the audio driver.