How do I fix the Driver Not Found Error?
First, try relaunching Bongiovi DPS
If re-launching does not work, try these steps to fix this issue:- Uninstall the software with the uninstaller located in Start Menu/Bongiovi…
- Reboot your computer.
- Be sure no other programs are running. Check your System Tray (triangle icon at the bottom-right of your screen) to be sure programs like Skype or any other programs that use the Windows sound system are closed.
- Install the software again. Use the Setup Wizard to get sound working properly.
I don’t have any sound! What do I do?
Click the ? help icon icon on the bottom-right of the ABOUT tab to access the Setup Wizard. It will assist you with setting up and troubleshooting the DPS. You may also try these steps to restore sound on your computer:
Reboot Your Computer
Often, this will reset your computer’s audio system and everything will work normally.
Select the proper Output Device
Usually this issue occurs when Bongiovi DPS is not assigned to an output you can hear. Follow these steps to get sound working on your system:
1. Be sure your computer is not muted and the volume on your speakers is turned up.
2. Open your Internet browser and play a YouTube video.
3. Click the SETTINGS tab on the Bongiovi DPS window.
4. Select BUILT-IN SPEAKERS from the buttons on the left of the window.
5. Click the OUTPUT menu highlighted for BUILT-IN SPEAKERS on the right side of the window.
6. While the video clip is playing, try choosing different Output Devices that are available in the list.
The level control for the DPS driver may have been accidentally turned down. This will prevent audio from passing while DPS is running. Fix by following these instructions:
1. On the SETTINGS tab click SYSTEM AUDIO SETTINGS at the bottom of the window. This will open the Windows audio control panel.
2. Select Speakers Digital Power Station.
3. Click Properties on the bottom right.
4. Click the Levels tab.
5. Be sure the Volume Control is at 100.
Check the Volume Mixer Levels
1. Right-click the speaker icon at the bottom right of the Windows Desktop.
2. Select Open Volume Mixer.
3. You should see at least two sliders. One for your computer’s output device and the other for Digital Power Station.
4. Be sure both sliders are turned up all the way. If you have a laptop, note what slider changes when you press your volume control key.

- This list contains all of the possible ways sound can leave your computer.
- In most cases you will hear sound when the proper Output Device is selected in the menu.

I do not hear a difference when I turn DPS on and off. What’s wrong?
You should always hear a difference when turning DPS on and off. If you do not hear a difference in the sound then DPS is not processing the audio. Please follow these steps to address the issue:
1. Click the SETTINGS tab on the DPS window.
2. Click SYSTEM AUDIO SETTINGS at the bottom of the window. This will open the audio control panel for your computer.
3. Click the Playback tab.
4. Click the Speakers Digital Power Station device.
5. Click Set Default.
When sound is playing you should see the green audio meters moving for both the Digital Power Station device and the hardware output device you chose in the DPS SETTINGS tab. Click here for more details about choosing your audio device.

After upgrading to 2.1 DPS says it is deactivated. Why can’t I use the free trial?
You may have old information saved on your computer from an earlier version. Please follow these steps to correct the issue:
- Uninstall Bongiovi DPS
- Browse to the hidden folder C:\Program Data
- Delete the Bongiovi Acoustics folder there.
- Re-Install Bongiovi DPS 2.1.
- You may now use the free trial and activate normally.
How do I fix clicks and pops in the audio?
Clicks and pops in the sound may have several causes:
• Another user is logged into your computer and Bongiovi DPS is running on their account.
• FIX: Sign out of the other user’s account.
• Your computer may be running out of CPU resources.
• FIX: Turn off the Visualizer in the SETTINGS tab by unchecking ENABLE VISUALIZER.
• Close any programs you are not using.
• A virus scan or some other routine process may be in progress. Wait for it to complete.
• Your sound card may not be compatible with Bongiovi DPS.
• Be sure you have the latest drivers installed for all audio hardware.
• The M-Audio Audiophile 2496 has been confirmed to cause clicks and pops on some systems. There is no fix at this time for this sound card.
• Bongiovi DPS is designed to work in an entertainment and non-professional use context. Some pro-audio sound cards or external interfaces may not operate properly with Bongiovi DPS. If you are having issues with DPS please submit a support ticket and our engineers will assist you.

Why does the DPS window look broken?
In Windows 7, the user interface will become garbled if Use Visual Styles is turned off. Sometimes it will look like this:
To fix this issue go to Control Panel –> Performance Information & Tools –> Adjust Visual Effects and set Use Visual Styles to ON.

Bongiovi DPS says this version is expired. How do I get the latest version?
Please be sure you have the latest version installed. This window will appear when a software update is available:
Click Install update to get the latest version and continue use of Bongiovi DPS.

Can v1.x and v2.0 both be installed on my machine?
No. We no longer support DPS Plugin 1.x. We suggest uninstalling old DPS Plugin software and upgrading to Bongiovi DPS version 2.
Why aren’t my headphones working with DPS?
Some computers (including Dell laptops) do not display the headphone driver until headphones are connected. Please follow these steps to fix this issue:
- Connect your headphones to your computer
- Open the DPS SETTINGS tab
- Click the HEADPHONES output category so the box is around the two drop-down menus for HEADPHONES
- Click the OUTPUT DEVICE drop down menu.
- Your headphone output driver should now be available for selection.
What are the Minimum System Requirements?
- Compatible with current versions of Windows 10
- Note: Bongiovi DPS is not fully compatible with Windows 7, 8 or 8.1. While it may install, and even run, it may cause system instability and may not retain software activation between restarts.
- 1.5GHz dual core processor or better
- 3Gb RAM
- 20Mb hard drive space
- Internet connection for software activation and updates
- Standard stereo sound card – Currently Bongiovi DPS only supports stereo audio.