Bongiovi DPS

Pledge to Never Text and Drive

on September 24, 2013

The Bongiovi Crew Pledge to Never Text and Drive

No Text and Drive

Texting and driving is a serious issue. As CEA members, we want to show solidarity to their “It Can Wait” campaign. We are all doing our part by taking the Pledge to Never Text and Drive. You may be surprised by the accident data posted on the It Can Wait site.

It Can Wait No Texting While Driving

100,000 plus crashes a year are caused by people who are texting and driving. These numbers are alarming. What’s even more alarming is that 75% of teens say that texting and driving is common behavior among their friends. The good thing is that states throughout the U.S. are starting to take action. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reports that NY and other major cities are posting signs directing drivers to designated text stops. It may be time to consider these type of text stops in and around local streets as well.

Acclaimed director Werner Herzog tells personal stories in this powerful It Can Wait Documentary. We urge you to watch this.

[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”644″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=_BqFkRwdFZ0&width=644&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5004″ /]

The Bongiovi Acoustics DPS crew feels very strongly about the It Can Wait campaign. There truly is nothing more important than a human life. The latest celebrity gossip will be there when you get to your destination. Your friend texting about the weekend will be OK if you wait another 15 minutes before you arrive at home. So take the pledge like CEA did. Take the pledge like the Bongiovi DPS crew has. Remember, this video the next time you grab for your phone on your way out. Just click any of the links in this post to learn how to pledge to never text and drive again. Comment on this post with oyur thoughts on this very important subject. Remember, It Can Wait!

-Bongiovi Acoustics / Bongiovi Medical / DPS Insider Crew

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