Bongiovi DPS

Audio and Video Health

on February 22, 2010

So I have a bit of a cold.  My head is pulsing and my chest is tight with what I am sure looks like radioactive goo.  I will spare the gruesome details and get to the point.  Many of my friends are sick in their listening environments.  Myself included.  We often don’t realize what you are missing until someone shows you the way.  I learn something new everyday from the guys that post on the DPS Insider here.  Home audio and video can be a pain to setup.  So many of us hook it up so it works and that is that.  Our team is curious on how you are listening and viewing at home.  What are some of the products you use? (Blu-Ray, etc.)  How do you have them placed and hooked up? (speakers, sub-woofer,etc)  So that we might offer our expertise and/or learn a thing or two.  Post your symptoms and we will diagnose your  home audio and video environment right here on

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