Bongiovi DPS
on August 15, 2013

Sound Enhancement Software

These days, Many of us view movies and listen to our favorite songs on laptops, desktop computers and mobile devices. Even with the big flat screen TV in the family room, I still find myself regularly consuming media on my computer and portable devices. It only takes a few Google searches to realize that people want to enhance the audio coming from their devices. I am also part of this group of people. We pay a lot of money out for our phones, media players, Mac & Pc’s, etc. Not to mention the accessories. Headphones, Ear-buds, desktop and bookshelf speakers, etc. Enter the DPS Plugin Sound Enhancement Software.

DPS Plugin Audio Enhancer

Quality sound enhancement starts with years of studio experience and understanding the devices that are making the sound. Bongiovi Acoustics have designed the DPS Plugin Sound Enhancement Software with these and other key factors in mind. As previously mentioned, many challenging audio situations exist because of the way we consume media today. Let’s take a look at a few ways the DPS Plugin can help.

Sound Enhancement on your Mac and Windows Laptops

The built in speakers on your Mac and PC laptops are really not designed for a quality audio and listening experience. They are designed to fit in a more portable box so you can take your media world with you. Let’s say that you are traveling. The subway or train loading area is buzzing with people. You finally find a place to sit down. You have time to wait for your connecting car and you want to listen to some music, etc. You hit play and quickly notice that the crisp highs and nice loud volume you are used to at home is not quite cutting it. DPS can help cut through the sounds of the subway. All you have to do is open the DPS Plugin, choose a custom DPS Profile made specifically for your type of device and play your media. When you hit the blue dps_icon_16button , the crowd noise will quickly become background to your audio. The following video shows how the DPS Audio Enhancer can make your laptop louder while enhancing the quality.

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Sound Enhancement on your portable Apple iOS Devices

It seems everyone has an iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc. You could be in that train or subway with your iOS device with the very same problem. So you decide to plug in a pair of ear-buds and/or headphones in an effort to dull the crazy loud noise. While you can hear it, it’s just not the clear booming and rocking experience you had hoped for. Say you have a pair of Dr. Beats Headphones and you really want to make them louder and clearer just like the laptop speakers you enhanced in the loading area. The Bongiovi DPS app for Apple deviceshas a solution. Just open up the settings screen, choose the DPS profile that is best for your device and listen away.

If your device is not included in the custom DPS profiles, fear not! Roll through the many profiles for different devices similar to yours and fine tune the profile with the DPS EQ function. This is a paid upgrade option that is highly recommended. Adjust the Gain, Bass and Treble to make your ears happy. You should now be able to cut through the transit noise of machinery and people. Not just by turning up, but by utilizing the Bongiovi DPS real-time re-mastering technology.

DPS Audio Enhancer Software Cuts through the noise

Sound Enhancement for your TV Speakers

I am sure when you arrived at the TV store, you went for that perfect display. Even though it shines in all it’s glory, we face a very similar audio challenge as we did with our laptop and portable devices. Little speakers installed to fit around the amazing display. More often than not, these speakers are located in the back of the TV. Netflix, Hulu and YouTube are among the standard ways our eyes gobble up media these days. Why not get an HDMI cable and hook up our DPS Plugin Enabled Laptop or desktop computer to the TV to enhance those tiny little speakers?

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The video above shows how the Bongiovi Acoustics DPS Plugin Audio Enhancer can process and enhance the audio coming out of your TV speakers. I must say, I cannot even watch my computer media on my TV without using the DPS Plugin. It’s also a nice boost to those old external speakers you have setup. Either way, this is a great way to go about listening through your TV and home media center setup. Netflix and Hulu would not sound the same without it!

Sound Enhancement for Apple TV

A lot of our Mac-System-wide DPS Plugin users have Apple TVs. A great way to use the DPS Plugin Audio Enhancer with your Apple TV is with Rougue Amoeba’s Airfoil Software. We get a lot of people asking how to set this up, is it possible, etc. This great homegrown video explains how these softwares, devices and other AirPlay devices work well together.

[embedplusvideo height=”390″ width=”644″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=ZpF7imHZR4E&width=644&height=390&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2050″ /]
As you can see, the Bongiovi Acoustic’s DPS Plugin Audio Enhancer really hits home on many levels. The great thing is, you can take this amazing audio re-mastering tool with you no matter where you go. We hope that this article gives you some insight on ways that you can enhance sound on your devices. Oh yeah, it’s available as an upgrade for your stock car audio system as well!

Sound Enhancement for your Car

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Geez! The possibilities seem endless huh? Visit Bongiovi Acoustics to see what we’re up to for audio enhancement for all kinds of products.

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